New York | Telehealth

How I Can Help:

My Specialties

  • Relationship Therapy for Individuals

    Create relationships that honor and serve you. Learn to set boundaries, effectively communicate, and build awareness of how past relationships impact current ones.

  • Trauma Therapy

    Explore the impact of and reprocess past traumatic experiences while connecting with hope and healing. Create and find empowerment in order to no longer feel overwhelmed and limited by your past

  • Therapy for College Students

    From depression and anxiety, to time management and stress, college students go through unique challenges and deserve therapy that is tailored to them. College students in NY can learn practical skills to help make these the years you’ve been wanting them to be.

  • Sex & Intimacy

    Explore your relationship with sex and create a satisfying sex life in a safe and non-judgmental environment. Including topics such as identity, sexuality, sexual trauma, desire, painful sex, and more.